Anime Catchup-o! Boruto: Naruto Next Generation (Episodes 38-40)

I’ve been a bit slacking on my Boruto reviews, but that hasn’t been for lack of interest in the show. It was the aforementioned burnout that halted my reviews, and I’m not going to stress myself out by committing to going back to each one. So instead, I’m going to create a safety net for myself – introducing the Anime Catchup-o! When I slack (and I’m going to slack ya’ll, let’s face it) I’m just going to compile my slipup into a singular post with no intention of dedicating myself to three posts worth of review. I’m a simple minded, fun loving individual – I’ve accepted that, and I hope you do too. Ephemeral Fixations is coming to life in a way I enjoy, most definitely. So without further adieu, let’s catch up!

oh yeah.
I spoil zee stuff




“This is my story!” I dig, Boruto-kun, I dig.


I’ve watched the last few episodes, including the latest, and have to say that I’m enjoying the pace that the show has been taking. While it seemed very slow at first, it seems understandable when one looks at the fact that Naruto fans have been watching nothing but chaotic war for so many episodes prior. Maybe that’s just me feeling appeased now that Boruto has seem to find its stride in terms of action.




The new team 7: Mitsuki, Sarada, Boruto


Episode 38 focuses on the creation of the three man team that ultimately becomes the reinstated Team 7: Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki. We get slice-of-life bonding episodes, where the characters are shown interacting with one another and basically must have their first moments of true trust as comrades. Sarada comes off to me like a snarky mix of her father and mother, two characters I’ve never had quite the liking for. She’s not entirely without essence, however, hopefully she fills a better role in the team than either of her parents.




mitsuki origin

Mitsuki is going to turn out to be quite the character.


Episode 39 is all about Mitsuki, which Kiku and I thoroughly enjoyed. It was a treat to verify he was merely an experiment of Orochimaru, albeit one that he seems to love as his own son. We see that Mitsuki is a clone that was slowly developed to possess a certain set of abilities, and that such attempts have failed several times. The older Mitsuki serving as the “enemy” for his younger self was an interesting twist, and I loved the brief conversation between older Mitsuki and Orochimaru spinning the tale of the twist. Old Orochimaru back at it again, who would have thought it? Overall, despite his slight cliché, Mitsuki is an interesting type of character that I think will be a pleasure to watch develop. Especially with his obsession with Boruto and his good character.

mitsuki and boruto


This week (episode 40! I barely made it until the next episode drops!) wasn’t meant for action, but the anticipation of it is clearly present. It’s time for the team’s first mission! After claiming the title of Team 7 for themselves, it’s only fitting that their mission secretly have some sort of underlying factor that magically upgrades its level a grade or two. Naruto’s first mission went from an escort mission to fighting Zabuza, the Demon of the Mist. And now, similarly, his son’s first mission begins as one meant to stop confrontation between two small villages and becomes a battle amongst shinobi.

There’s plenty of foreshadowing, with the mentions by Sarada/Konohamaru/Naruto alike that Boruto focus his attentions on learning not to be rash and leave the safety of the group. Of course, Boruto is his father’s son and acts upon his instincts at every turn, even if that means placing himself in the midst of a situation most shinobi could rarely find themselves out of.

While we’re currently unaware of the details of the enemy (in true shinobi style), we do learn that they are vicious and indifferent to the word “peace” as an enemy shinobi plunges his blade through the heart of a villager. War is definitely slowly creeping back to the forefront of the shinobi world, and it’ll be interesting to see how it all ties back to the scene we were first introduced to; the one with the enemy facing Boruto claiming “the age of the shinobi is over”.


All in all, I’m excited for the next episode that’s only a few hours away! I’ll try to stay more dedicated to weekly reviews, but know that I’ll definitely be keeping up with Boruto’s story!

As always, thanks for readin’!

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